Startup visa for France

Long stay visas for France and residence permits
for entrepreneurs, startups, investors and their families

We'll help you permanently establish yourself and your business in France
  • We can help you obtain a 4 year, renewable residence permit for France for . You can set up and manage a company in any form that is in accordance with French law.
  • We can assist you in bringing your family with you. Your spouse and dependent children may stay with you and undertake any paid employment in France.
  • We can help you obtain French Citizenship. After receiving an entrepreneur or investor visa, foreign nationals may apply for French citizenship after five years of residency.
  • There is no legal obligation to speak French or even English.
Why France?
France, located in the center of Europe, hardly needs an introduction as one of the world's most influential and successful countries. As a parliamentary democracy, France is a highly developed country with respected judicial and court systems, low crime rates, universal healthcare, a reputable education system and a rich cultural heritage that is prominently showcased at the nation's numerous festivals and fairs.
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Ways to get a French residence permit through business
  • Existing businesses in France

    Company owner must provide evidence of:

    • owning a business that earns revenue greater than or equal to the statutory national minimum wage in France.
    • no prior convictions for serious criminal offences, including offences of a commercial nature.
  • Creation of a new business in France

    Company founder(s) must provide evidence of:

    • a qualification corresponding to a French master's degree or equivalent, or at least five years' commensurate professional experience.
    • existence of a legitimate business plan to form an economically viable business in France.
    • an investment of at least €30,000 in the planned business.
    • sufficient annual financial means corresponding to the statutory national minimum wage, i.e. €19,237.44 as of January 1, 2022.
    • no prior convictions for serious criminal offences, including offences of a commercial nature.
  • French Tech Visa for startup founders

    Startup founders must provide evidence of:

    • an innovative business project they want to develop in France.
    • recognition of the project by a public-sector body (central government, local authorities, public institutions, public corporation, etc.).
    • sufficient annual financial means corresponding to the statutory national minimum wage (SMIC), i.e. €19,237.44 as of January 1, 2022.

    You may be eligible for the French Tech Visa for Founders if selected by a French tech partner incubator.
  • Investors
    Foreign investors wishing to settle in France to undertake a planned investment must satisfy the following criteria:

    • they must be making a direct investment, either personally, or via a company they control, or via a company in which they have at least a 30% shareholding.
    • they must be creating, protecting or committing to create or protect, jobs within the four years following the investment.
    • they must be investing or committing to invest at least €300,000 in fixed tangible or intangible assets.

    Direct investments include share capital investments, reinvested earnings or loans between affiliated companies. Exclusively financial investments are therefore outside the scope of the scheme.

    Foreign investors involved in the French Tech sector might benefit from the French Tech Visa for investors.
Long stay visa D «visiteur» to France
If you are just beginning to think about starting your business in France, but are not ready to set up a company right away, you may benefit from a visa «visiteur» which allows you to stay in France permanently but does not allow any professional activity. Once you have decided to start your business, you may request a change in your status through a prefecture in France.

Major requirements:

• proof of funds to meet living costs in France not less than €1,269.03 a month per person net as at 1 January 2022.
• proof of accommodation in France for permanent living (rental agreement, property deed).
• proof of your professional status and financial situation.
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How much do our services cost?
If you need assistance we offer for you to book a 30-minutes verbal consultation in which we'll examine your situation, answer your questions and come up with an action plan.

The cost of the consultation is 150 euros TVA inclusive.

If you are interested please fill the questionnaire. After receiving your request we'll send you an invoice to pay using your chosen method of payment. We'll propose time slots for the consultation once payment is received.

We provide consultations by phone, Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet.

  • After the consultation you will know:
  • major requirements to ensure a positive decision in your situation
  • how we can help you
  • action plan for your situation
  • estimated processing time of you case
  • our fees and other expenses for the entire procedure
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Procedure of obtaining a long stay visa D or
a residence permit in France
Booking an appointment at a French consular office or an authorised visa center or a prefecture in France.

If you don't hold a French residence permit yet you should initially obtain the appropriate visa D for France while in the country of your citizenship or your permanent residence.

If you already hold a residence permit in France, you should apply at the prefecture of your place of residence in France.
Filing the documents in a French consular office or an authorised visa center or a prefecture in France.

Processing time of your file will depend on the reason for obtaining a visa (residence permit) and can vary from several weeks to several months.
If you file your documents via a prefecture in France, in case the application is approved, you'll get a card titled "carte de séjour" indicating the period of validity and rights to work or perform professional activities in France.
If you file your visa application with a consular office of France abroad (or an authorised visa center) and your application is approved you'll initially get a visa D to enter France. After that you'll have to apply to the French prefecture of your place of residence for the "carte de séjour" or in the case of VLS-TS visa D, validate your visa online and in some cases pass a medical examination.

Processing time of issuing a "carte de séjour" in France may take several months.
Our team
With more than 13 years of service, Zlokazov & Company is an innovative, international consulting firm based in France that effectively and efficiently assists clients from around the world. The firm handles matters in France, Andorra, and Monaco. We are consistently recognised for the results we obtain, our uncompromising commitment to quality and dedication to understanding the business and culture of our clients.

The firm 'Zlokazov & Company', with offices in Lyon and in Côte d'Azur, France, is active throughout the entire territory of France, Andorra, and Monaco. Modern technologies for information exchange allow us to provide legal support to clients from across the world.

One of our main areas of specialisation is the support of entrepreneurs and companies opening a new business or acquiring existing enterprises. We understand the needs of business well and, possess the experience and knowledge to develop individual solutions based on a particular client's case.

Our office can assist clients fluently in English, French, and Russian.

Tell us about your situation. Very often there may be a variety of solutions – we'll find the most efficient and economical one and propose a plan of action.
Contact us
We operate Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 Paris time (CET, CEST).

Please send us a message to arrange a consultation.

In order to save both your time and ours, we kindly ask you to make your first request exclusively by filling out the contact form on this website describing your situation - our specialists will contact you via the method and time most convenient for you and in the language of your choice (English, French, Russian).

We meet with clients online and in our offices by appointment only.

Book Your Consultation Today

In order to save both your time and ours, we kindly ask you to make your first request exclusively by filling out this form describing your situation - our specialists will contact you via the method and time most convenient for you and in the language of your choice (English, French, Russian).

We meet with clients online and in our offices by appointment only.

French Riviera - Côte d'Azur
930, Route Des Dolines, 06560 Valbonne, France

Gare des Brotteaux, 15, place Jules Ferry, 69006 Lyon, France

We operate Monday through Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 Paris time (CET, CEST). Please send us a message to arrange a consultation.

The cost of the consultation is 150 euros TVA inclusive. The duration of the consultation is 30 minutes. By pressing the "Submit" button you agree with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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