Talent Passport: Corporate Officer
Applicant must provide evidence of:
- Proof of a gross salary of at least three times the annual minimum wage (SMIC), i.e. € 63, 609.00 as of January 1, 2024.
- Proof of employment as an employee or corporate officer for more than three months in an establishment or company within the same group.
- Appointment as legal representative of an establishment or company established in France.
A foreign national who serves as a legal representative in an establishment or company established in France, provided they are employed or hold a corporate officer position in an establishment or company within the same group, will be granted a multi-year residence card marked "Talent Passport" for a maximum duration of four years, subject to meeting the salary threshold established by decree in the Council of State. This card allows the holder to engage in the commercial activity that justified its issuance.
The Talent Passport designated for "Company Officers" is a residence permit that facilitates the relocation of you and your family to France, allowing you to live and work there.
For the operations of a French subsidiary, an employee or director already working at the parent company or another group subsidiary may be appointed as the legal representative of the French entity.
A company director is a person designated to represent the company in France, overseeing all management-related activities. This individual is accountable to shareholders, management, employees, and external parties, particularly in matters related to human resources and employment regulations.
The specific designation of the director will vary based on the subsidiary's legal structure:
- For a limited liability company (société à responsabilité limitée – SARL), the director holds this title.
- For a public limited company (société anonyme – SA) or a simplified joint-stock company (société par actions simplifiée – SAS), the individual serves as the Chairman and CEO.
- For foreign entities, this role may also apply to representatives of a branch or liaison office who possess the authority to commit the organization legally.