New procedures for appealing against visa refusals in France as of january 1st, 2023

As of January, 1st, 2023, the procedure for appealing against a visa refusal in France is changing (according to the decrees n°2022-962 and n°2022-963 of 29 June 2022

Update: 20, September, 2024
New procedures for appealing against visa refusals in France as of january 1st, 2023
As of January, 1st, 2023, the procedure for appealing against a visa refusal in France is changing (according to the decrees n°2022-962 and n°2022-963 of 29 June 2022

Update: 20, September, 2024
It will be different, depending on whether the refusal decision of the diplomatic or consular authority concerns a short-stay visa application (i) or a long-stay visa (ii). However, no major changes occurr at the stage of a litigation appeal, the procedures remain identical for challenging the refusal of two types of visas (iii):

( i ) Refusal of short-stay visas (starting from January, 1st, 2023)

Possible administrative appeals :

  • informal appeals ("recours gracieux") before the French consular authorities
  • appeal to the Deputy Director on visas ("le sous-directeur des visas »), located in the General Directorate for Foreigners in France of the Ministry of the Interior, in Nantes. This appeal is compulsory in order to be able to subsequently lodge an appeal before the administrative judge.

This appeal before the Deputy Director on visas must be made within 30 days either from the notification of the visa refusal decision or from the acknowledgement of receipt of the visa application if the consular authorities have not given any reply.

The Deputy Director on visas may reject the appeal lodged by the foreigner himself or grant the appeal of the person concerned. In the latter case, he will instruct the diplomatic or consular authority to which the initial application was submitted to issue the short-stay visa requested.

( ii ) Refusal of long-stay visas (starting from January, 1st, 2023)

Possible administrative appeals:

  • informal appeals ("recours gracieux") before the French consular authorities
  • appeal to the « Commission de Recours contre les Décisions de Refus de visa » (CRRV) in Nantes. The appeal to the CRRV is compulsory in order to be able to lodge an appeal before the administrative judge.

This appeal to the CRRV must be made within 30 days either from the notification of the visa refusal decision or from the acknowledgement of receipt of the visa application if the consular authorities have not given any response.

The CRRV may recommend to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Interior to grant the visa. It can also reject the appeal expressly (by written notification) or implicitly (by not responding within two months).

If the CRRV rejects the appeal or if the ministers confirm the visa refusal, despite the Commission's favorable opinion, it is possible to lodge an appeal before the administrative court of Nantes within two months.

( iii ) The court appeal against the refusal of short and long stay visas

The court appeal must be lodged within two months of the notification of the decision rejecting the compulsory prior administrative appeal either expressly (by written notification) or implicitly (by not responding within two months).

The court appeal allows to contest a visa refusal, or even to demand the injunction to issue the visa if it has been illegally refused.

In case of urgency, a request for suspension of the refusal decision may be submitted to the interim relief judge ("référé-suspension").

Since January 2023, the Nantes Administrative Court of the First Instance ("tribunal administratif de Nantes") has been the first and last instance judge in disputes relating to visa refusals. The judgement is therefore no longer subject to appeal and only the cassation appeal before the Council of State ("Conseil d'Etat") is open.

Finally, it should be noted that the new procedures are applicable to refusal decisions starting from January, 1st, 2023.

Our services regarding appeals against refusals of visas to France

Analysis of the situation, development of recommendations on the effectiveness of an appeal against the refusal, estimation of the length and the possible costs of the procedure
Administrative appeals to a French consular or diplomatic authority that refused to grant a visa ("recours gracieux")
Administrative appeals to the «Commission de Recours contre les Décisions de Refus de Visa» (CRRV) in Nantes
Lawsuits at the administrative court in Nantes, accompanying through the litigation

How much do our services cost?

If you need assistance, we invite you to book a 30-minute consultation. During this session, we will review your situation, answer your questions, and develop a tailored action plan.

The consultation fee is €150, VAT included.

After the consultation you will know:
  • Major requirements to ensure a positive decision in your situation

  • How we can help you

  • Action plan for your situation

  • Estimated processing time of you case

  • Our fees and other expenses for the entire procedure

Appealing a France visa refusal with legal assistance

Where are we based?

Our offices are in Lyon and on the Cote d'Azure (French Riviera), and we do a significant part of our work remotely, communicating with our clients via email and other means.

In France, we can provide in-person support in any French department and in Corsica.
Book Your Consultation

How do we work?

First consultation by phone or Google Meet
Analysis the situation, development of recommendations on the effectiveness of an appeal against the refusal, estimation of the length and the possible costs of the procedure
Conclusion of a contract, payment of our services
Exchange of documents and information
Preparation of appeal
Submission of appeal
Accompaniment during the procedure

How to use our services

First, sign up for an initial 60-minute consultation, during which we will analyze your situation, provide our advice, and answer your questions.

After receiving your request for a consultation, we will send you an invoice. Once payment is confirmed, we will schedule the date and time using your preferred method of communication.

The consultation can be conducted via telephone or Google Meet. We kindly ask you to fill out a questionnaire regarding your situation and plans for France before the consultation.

Book Your Consultation Today

If you are interested in our consultation please:

  • fill the questionnaire (in order to save both your time and ours, we kindly ask you to make your first request exclusively by filling out this form describing your situation)
  • after receiving your request we'll send you an invoice to pay using your chosen method of payment
  • we'll propose time slots for the consultation once payment is received.
We meet with clients online and in our offices by appointment only.

French Riviera - Côte d'Azur: 930, Route Des Dolines, 06560 Valbonne FR

Lyon: Gare des Brotteaux, 15, place Jules Ferry, 69006 Lyon FR

Switzerland: Seestrasse 79, 806 Bäch SZ

Preferred means of communication
Preferred method of payment
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